Tuesday, March 16, 2010

orb title acrostic

Could ancient aliens have visited earth in the past?
How could primitive societies produce monuments that modern day engineering can not?
Are the throes posed by mainstream science incorrect?
Recent archeological finds may support Von Danikens theory
Is the grand monument at Copan an ancient depiction of a space craft?
On the plains of Peru, the Nazca lines are some of Van Danikens best evidence
The pyramids built by many ancient civilizations are surprisingly similar, and are almost impossible to build.
Some religions all over the world depicted gods as beings that came from the sky in metal ships, only to return to the stars.

On many south pacific islands, allied soldiers and their plains were worshiped as gods.
For far to long, we have been ignorant to the possibilities of ancient aliens.
The Sumerians people had complex math, equal to our own, 6,000 years ago, and they appeared out off know where.
How could these Stone Age societies have such knowledge of the stars?Even now, we can not replicate some of the ancient monuments built thousands of years ago.

Gods supposedly came from the sky, gave knowledge, and then returned to the stars.
On many cave drawings, flying saucers are depicted.Does the Piri Resse map hold clues to the astronaut mystery?
Does the past hold clues to our future?
Sand has been charred in many monuments, only possible by a nuclear explosion

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